Journal of Biblical Text Research

Journal of Biblical Research is an academic journal on biblical studies published bi-annually by the Institute for Biblical Text Research of the Korean Bible Society.

The Institute aims to update the journal readers with the latest research efforts made in the realm of biblical studies and Bible translation.

Such endeavor of the Institute was acknowledged also at the government level when Journal of Biblical Text Research was officially registered and endorsed as a journal of academic significance by the National Research Foundation of Korea.

For Potential Contributors

If you are interested in contributing to the journal, please check the following documents for guidelines:

Table of Content
Joon-Hyuk Lee55-01 (Kor.) Understanding and Translation Proposal for Zephaniah 3:8
Se Hyun Kang55-02 (Kor.) Exegesis and Translation Proposal of Ἀσάφ in Matthew 1:7-8
Sung Deuk Oak55-03 (Kor.) H. G. Appenzeller’s Bible Translation, 1885~1902: Founder of the Seoul Version, Pioneer of the Critical Text and Trailblazer of Old Testament Translation
Jeongsoo Park55-04 (Kor.) A Proposal of New Transcription for New Testament Proper Names (2): In Accordance with the Revision of the New Korean Revised Version
Inchol Yang55-05 (Eng.) An Analysis of the Debt-Slave Law in the Book of the Covenant
Gyusang Jin55-06 (Eng.) A Text-Hierarchical Structure of Deuteronomy
Yan Ma55-07 (Eng.) A Text-Critical Analysis of John 7:53–8:11 with a Focus on Its Stylistic Discontinuity
Jonathon Lookadoo55-08 (Eng.) Accounting for 616: Thinking with Irenaeus, Craig Koester, and Interpreters from Late Antiquity
Bernd Janowski
(Dong Yeol Kim, trans.)
55-09 (Kor.) <Translated Paper> Ein Tempel aus Worten: Zur theologischen Architektur des Psalters
Sun Bok Bae55-10 (Kor.) Migration Bible (Haarlem/Antwerpen: Nederlands-Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap, 2023)

2024VOL. 54 2024-04
2023VOL. 53 2023-10
VOL. 52 2023-04
2022VOL. 51 2022-10
VOL. 50 2022-04
2021    VOL. 49 2021-10
VOL. 48 2021-04
2020VOL. 47 2020-10
VOL. 46 2020-04
Issues Published from 2010 to 2019
2019    VOL. 45 2019-10
VOL. 44 2019-04
2018VOL. 43 2018-10
VOL. 42 2018-04
2017VOL. 41 2017-10
VOL. 40 2017-04
2016VOL. 39 2016-10
VOL. 38 2016-04
2015VOL. 37 2015-10
VOL. 36 2015-04
2014VOL. 35 2014-10
VOL. 34 2014-04
2013VOL. 33 2013-10
VOL. 32 2013-04
2012VOL. 31 2012-10
VOL. 30 2012-04
2011VOL. 29 2011-10
VOL. 28 2011-04
2010VOL. 27 2010-10
VOL. 26 2010-04
Issues Published from 2000 to 2009
2009VOL. 25 2009-10
VOL. 24 2009-04
2008VOL. 23 2008-10
VOL. 22 2008-04
2007VOL. 21 2007-10
VOL. 20 2007-04
2006VOL. 19 2006-10
VOL. 18 2006-04
2005VOL. 17 2005-10
VOL. 16 2005-04
2004VOL. 15 2004-10
VOL. 14 2004-04
2003VOL. 13 2003-10
VOL. 12 2003-01
2002VOL. 11 2002-09
VOL. 10 2002-02
2001VOL. 09 2001-08
VOL. 08 2001-02
2000VOL. 07 2000-08
VOL. 06 2000-02
Issues Published before 2000
1999VOL. 05 1999-08
VOL. 04 1999-02
1998VOL. 03 1998-08
VOL. 02 1998-02
1997VOL. 01 1997-08