Bible Korea

The Bible Korea Co. is a bindery established by the Korean Bible Society in 2001 as a supporting arm of the Scripture Production Center.

It has always stayed focused on achieving two goals, that is to stabilize the Scripture Supply in Korea and abroad, and to produce Scriptures at the finest quality at economical price levels.

Bible Korea is equipped with all machinery such as the Kholbus binding lines, folding, gathering, sewing, casing machines, etc. The team of 140 production line and management staffs at Bible Korea is headed by Mr. Mal Yong Chung, the production and management specialist and former Deputy General Secretary of the Korean Bible Society, and they team up to keep production efficient and quality control seamless.

As the result of the continued efforts to improve on its production services, the production capacity of Bible Korea has continued to grow to the current capacity of producing 30,000 Bibles daily, and up to 9 million Bibles annually.

Bible Korea was originally situated in Seongnam City, but last year, we have relocated the bindery to its expanded premises in Paju, a city strategically developed as the book publishing and printing industrial center of Korea. Our relocation is expected to streamline our production services and to generate synergistic effects through improved networking with the book publishing, printing, and binding companies.

Process of Bible Binding

Bible binding at Bible Korea Co. begins by trimming printed sheets according to their sizes. When cut, they are then folded to form what is called a signature. The folded signatures are gathered by their page order, sewn together, and are formed as book blocks.

At the same time, a separate process takes place to make Bible covers – cover materials are cut to sizes, and the word, “Bible” in various languages is embossed onto the cover.

Then comes the process called casing where the book block and the cover are bound together to become a complete Bible. These Bibles go through the quality inspection upon completion, and are either shrink-wrapped or packed into special cases or plastic bags to get ready for shipment to different parts of the world.