The Korean Bible Society is undertaking a unique function for Bible Work, which is Bible production. Since 1973, it began serving as the Scripture Production Center for the United Bible Societies Fellowship. The UBS Scripture production experts foresaw our potential of providing this function upon observing the fastgrowing Korean economy and industry in the late 60’s and early 70’s. The very first supply of Scriptures to overseas by the Korean Bible Society became a reality with the supply of 400,000 New Testament overseas in 1973.
Since then, we have been serving our sister Bible Societies, partnering organizations, and churches spread of God’s Word more widely through our continued efforts to produce good quality Scriptures at affordable prices. This commitment to the Bible Society mission and ethos has led us to establish the Bible Korea Co., our own bindery specializing in Scripture binding in 2001.
The bindery, Bible Korea Co. is optimized with manufacturing facilities and manpower to accommodate a wide variety of Scripture binding styles. Ranging from economical missionary editions to the top quality luxury editions, it is capable of producing and supplying Scriptures in all binding styles needed by the readers. This capacity is founded upon the Scripture production knowhow and technology the Korean Bible Society has accumulated over its 40 years of services in Scripture production and supply.
We are most grateful that God has called us to serve Him through this unique service of producing and supplying Scriptures. We will continue to make our resources and services available and accessible by all so that our Christian brothers and sisters all over the world may gain access to, and engage their lives with the Word of God.